Clean Language for visualising an Audience
ITEM = “the Audience”, “the Market”, “the XYZ Group”, etc.
And what about ITEM? (reply=AUD1)
Repeat the following until you’re through …
Choose an ITEM from AUD1 …
If ITEM = category: And what kind of ITEM?
If ITEM = adjective: And that’s ITEM like what?
If ITEM = name: And what about ITEM?
or: And is there anything else about PREVIOUS ITEM? (reply=AUD2)
No new information: try “And is there anything else about …”,
else choose a new ITEM from AUD2
When you think you’re through …
And is there anything else about the Audience/Market/etc.?
Either re-enter the process or stop, as appropriate.
These Clean Language examples were inspired by The Five-Minute Coach.