Clean Language for elaborating a Plan
And what needs to happen for MAIN_OBJ? (reply=ACT1)
And is there anything else that needs to happen for MAIN_OBJ? (ACT2, ACT3, …)
… repeat until 1st ‘no’ … (ACTn)
And ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, …, ACTn and is there anything else that needs to happen for MAIN_OBJ?
ACTn+1, ACTn+2 … repeat until 2nd ‘no’ … (ACTn+m)
And ACT1, ACT2, ACT3, …, ACTn+m and what needs to happen first? (ACT_PLAN)
And can ACT_PLAN?
If YES (a firm one!), wind up, else return to ‘And what needs to happen ..’.
It’s repetitive, so modulate pace and voice.
These Clean Language examples were inspired by The Five-Minute Coach.