Getting Equipped to Work Under Pressure

A Short Seminar to Help You Understand Stress and Get Tooled-Up Appropriately

Intended for anyone working in a complex and demanding environment, this short interactive session is an opportunity to tame pressure at work:
• Understand the pressure-stress-needs relationship
• Know how to optimize one’s relationship with pressure and stay Ok
• Get ideas for developing your toolbox, to capture and increase your skills.

We discuss the mechanisms of stress, crystalising the discussion with an exercise to help you clarify your “preferred” sources of stress.

We show how individual needs profiles quickly lead us to understand reactions under light stress, what happens if things get worse and how to respond.

We introduce the metaphor of the personal toolbox and show how it can be used to boost professional development.

(duration of the session: approximately one hour)

We believe that the seminar will be of interest and value to:


Business Experts – both with internal roles and in customer contact situations

• Keen to optimize adrenaline levels in order to be as efficient as possible, without becoming exhausted in the long term!

• Interested in professional development opportunities that complement their technical perspective.


Team Leaders and Human Resource Managers

• Open to simple ideas that can help teams and individuals become more self-reliant

• Looking for tools that give concrete expression to the skills and behaviours needed for a successful team.

Andy Betts, PhD MIEEE

  • I am Andy Betts and ICONDA Solutions is my company.
  • I have over 25 year’s experience in industry, the first half in design roles, the second in the field (Sales, Marketing and Applications).
  • A confirmed trainer, I am also a qualified coach (Institut Maieutis, 2-year, Masters level; certified in Process Communication by Kahler Communication France).
  • A theme of my career has been interfaces : hardware-software, analog-digital, people-technology and England-France … this must explain something!
  • Further information is available in my LinkedIn résumé, where some of my clients and former colleagues have kindly made recommendations.

Séverine Hessel

  • I am Séverine Hessel and I own and manage Organescence, an ICONDA Solutions partner.
  • I am a coach and a consultant to managers and directors, and to their teams. A graduate from the Maieutis Institute for coaching, I accompany both large corporations and SMEs through transitions and crises, helping them respond to challenges in the areas of Leadership, Collaboration and Stress Management, for example. This work may be local or international.
  • In general, my clients have a vision of what they are trying to achieve. My job is to help them work out how to get there.
  • Although my background is in industrial finance, relationship management has always been at the heart of my career: interpersonal, rational and emotional, personal and professional, strategic and operational.
  • For more information, please visit the Organescence web site and LinkedIn.

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