Learning and Development Solutions for Your Team
Our Learning & Development (L&D) Solutions contain a mix of training and coaching encounters at the individual and group levels together with support for independent learning, complemented by progress guidance through self-assessment and facilitated checkpoints.
The ICON9.1 Checkpoint Package is a highly effective and economical example of a product containing all three components.
To access ICON9 Learning & Deployment Resources, please go to the learn.ICONDA.solutions web site (user registration required).
Training Encounters
- Client Encounters Using ICON9: a short course for Technical Sales and Applications Engineers
- ICON9 for Manager-Expert-Leaders: A short course for dealing with complex internal communication and achieving satisfying, effective business relationships
- Events: Workshops and seminars are generally custom products, we sometimes present promotional seminars
- Coaching: Individual and Team sessions, enabling you to resolve immediate issues and often to transform them into opportunities for personal growth.
Independent Learning
- Video series: A complete training course in thirty 12-minute sessions. Available for Client Encounters Using ICON9, for Technical Sales and Applications Engineers
- Audio series: Short reminder and exercise sessions, for use as a backup to classroom and video work, with all the flexibility of audio
- ICON9 collateral: exercises, quick references, posters, icon9 website, etc. and the text book Client Encounters of the Technical Kind.
Progress Guidance
- Checkpoints: Short, individual review meetings between facilitators and trainees – a collaborative exercise, stimulating discussions that significantly deepen learning
- Self-assessment: Exercises that allow trainees to check that they have captured a concept, delivered with other eLearning collateral
- Feedback: Checks made before, on completion of and sometime after training encounters.
Client Encounters of the Technical Kind
There’s a lot more to technical work than technology, as anyone in contact with clients will know – and most engineers, scientists and technicians have some sort of client to worry about. Experience shows that the relational an commercial aspects of customer-facing technical roles are as difficult as the ‘hard science’. And, to succeed professionally, you have to shine in all these areas … simultaneously!
Client Encounters of the Technical Kind describes a set of tools and methods that help Customer-Facing Engineers to overcome this constant challenge. The system, called ICON9®, has proved its worth in many companies: small, large and multinational. It addresses Sales, Support and ‘Own Organisation’ topics, and also tackles delicate issues, such as how to stand up to customers whose views you do not share.
Client Encounters demystifies communication for field teams and, in doing so, renders a great service to high-tech companies. Its simple tools and processes promote productivity and effective business results. It’s the ONLY product I have seen that is effective in developing the “technical sales team”.
Client Encounters gives you a set of simple tools that were never covered in engineering school – how to engage and deal with people effectively, efficiently and with great success. I only wish they had been available to me and my colleagues years ago.