MAP: My objectives

My objectives are:

The My in “My objectives” is there to emphasise that these are private objectives. They may go beyond the meeting goals that I expose to my client when we meet. They may include, for example, “Convince my client that his project is doomed” or “Have my client pay extra for a software upgrade,” which are aims that I would not announce openly at the start of a meeting. This is OK – I can remain honest and authentic without being naively transparent.

My objectives are also immediate objectives for the encounter, not the long-term objectives for the project with which it is connected. For example, if my project is a $10 million order that we hope to receive next year, my immediate objective will be something like, “Obtain an introduction to the VP of R&D,” or “Discover any possible obstacles to the acquisition of this technology.” Focusing on immediate objectives restricts the scope of the MAP to the encounter concerned.

Finally, My objectives should be multidirectional:

Whenever I work with CAEs on the MAP tool I invariably find that they focus on the information that they wish to give to their clients, especially when the encounter preparation includes the production of a presentation. By remembering multidirectional, I can guard against this error.

Of course, if I am working with a colleague, then “My objectives” means our joint objectives. In fact, MAP really comes into its own when it is used in a collaborative context.


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